Friday, September 9, 2016


Yeah, I got Legion yesterday and literally played all day yesterday.
I love it.

So, I made a demon hunter, and omygod these guys are as OP as Death Knights when they first came out. Needless to say, after getting all my artifacts I kinda ended up playing a Demon Hunter all night and got to level 102. I was already almost 101 by the time I finished my starting area and artifact quest so- yeah. Onto those.

First, the Demon Hunter one- I kind of didn't know what I was doing so I died several times- didn't kill the demons in order, ran around like a chicken with my head cut off- you start in Dalaran. You have no idea where the location of these glaives are, so you need to question a demon prisoner in Violet Hold. The guards don't want to let you in, but after a little.... convincing... they do.

You do eventually get the info out of the demon and kill him. So now you head off to an area to kill a guy that used to be one of the Illidari, but you don't end up killing him. This is where I ended up dying several times and kinda didn't really know what I was doing.

He runs off, and you get to pick up your brand new glaives.

Okay, Beast Mastery hunter next! Ah man, I love BM and the artifact. I was a little iffy about the gun, Titanstrike, but after doing the quest and seeing it on my orc- I like it. I'll let the quest speak for itself.

Okay, so off we go on a treasure hunt for a titan gun.

It's obvious this lady doesn't like me. At all. Be wary of her.

So we get in, kill a bunch of ghosts, let her open the door, and kill the guy the gun belongs to. By the way, Mimiron shows up, and helps us get to the gun. But Prustaga decides to take it right from under me so she can become qa god queen. Knew we shouldn't trust her. Anyways, ioff to Ulduar so we can let our Mecho-gnome friend find her.

Okay, we need to warn Thorim (yes. He's pretty much Thor), and off we go.

Anyways, after a big battle here, Prustaga explodes from the lightning energy, but Hati saves us. Sadly, even his body cannot hold it for long and the powerful spark from the gun can die with him. Unless I tame him. And I do.

Then I go pick up the gun behind him. And hey, I have my new weapon! And two pets.

Druid next.

Feral druid quest was kinda boring. All I really did was kill some demons, grab some important seeds, and then chase after a guy who stole my daggers (what is it with people stealing my artifacts?)

And so our chase begins.

Spiders. Why is it always spiders? Why couldn't it be butterflies? I already died outside trying to open the door to these stupid ruins.

Well, I kill her, and he decides to give me the daggers.

Oh, and after three expansions of doing awesome stuff, I have finally been aknowledged as an Archdruid. It's about bleeping time.

And lastly, the Death Knight.

Frost Death Knights end up going to Icecrown Citadel for their weapon. Why? ecause its made out of the shards of Frostmourne, the legendary blade of the Lich King himself, and you need to take down the souls of people who were in the blade to get to it. I'm fighting my way through ICC, just like old times.

Just so you know, these ghosts killed me about six times.

The last task is killing the ghost of Lich King.

After defeatin Arthas's ghost, Ner'zhul cries about his plan being ruined and vanishes. I can leave the spirit world and claim my new blades.

Oh, and I was finally aknowledged as leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. I'm the leader of the Death Knights.

Neeless to say, I loved these quests. I'll be getting Titanstrike again today on my Alliance hunter and then I'll get the Frost Mage staff on my mage, just so everyone at level 100 has their artifacts.

Now, to show off some pretty scenery from Azsuna.

I love this expansion so far. Its so much fun. The last time I had this much fun playing WoW was during Wrath of the Lich King.

Anyweays friends, thats what I did all day yesterday.

I'm off to kill more demons.
