Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wishers of Wisdom on Sentinels recruiting

Well, I'm recruiting for my guild. Why? My dad is throwing a temper tantrum and no longer wants to play, probably won't continue, so I'm going to recruit for the Horde guild which is now mine.

Basically, I need everything. Tanks, dps, healers... I'm looking to maybe put a Mythic+ group together and maybe at some point get to raiding. We're pretty casual and friendly, so feel welcomed to shoot me a whisper (that's Kelarya on the Sentinels server) or even shoot me an in-game mail saying you're intrested.

I need friends and I'm practically playing this game alone now, so... basically if anyone wants to befrind me, feel free to whisper me or mail me. *laughs* I feel pathetic but its true.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Uh, long time no see?

I've been away again. Sorry. I have a lot of things I have more fun doing (like, actually playing the game) instead of running this blog... with a... non-existant fanbase, but hey, it's nice to at least pretend I have one.

I have four level 110s now. Just got my mage to 110 and finished her Order Hall campeign today. No legendary yet. Still no fox mount from Suramar, but hey- I killed Gul'dan on my hunter!
... okay, so we wiped five times, it was LFR, and I was apprently not doing enough dps but we killed him. That was fun, and I never want to do it again. Raiding is a pain. So have my one screenshot of the raid.

Anyways. Leveling my mage. Mages are still squishy. I still loathe Arcane, although I go into the spec just to hear att Mercer- I mean- er- Aluneth- sass me. I still can't get over the fact that McCree from Overwatch and Szorlock from Mythica is Aluneth.

I don't have much to add to this. So here, have some pics of the mount from the end of the Suramar quest chain after defeating Gul'dan.

Friday, January 13, 2017


I found him at Adle's Stead (more info in my Spirit Beast post) in one of the bushes at 5:04 PM  (7:04 PM server time). I listed the realms in my realm grouop because I'm not quite sure how cross realm works, but now you should know he's been found.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Spirit Beast Master Post

With the addition of Lightning Paw, I decided to do one for the non-existant followers I have.

Spirit Beasts pretty much lost all functionality they used to have before Legion, but I still think they're the prettiest pets in the game.

As a note, if you see a hunter taming any of these, please do not kill it or the hunter.

So far, we have:
Four Cats, excluding Mana Sabers found on the Broken Isles
Three Wolves
Three Porcupines
One Crab
One Bear
One Owl
NEW [Legion]  One Moose
NEW [7.1.5] One Fox


Level: 76
Location: Sholazar Basin, Northrend

Perhaps the most sought after for his unique model, Loque'nahak is one of my favorite spirit beasts in the game. He spawns in seven spots in Sholazar Basin that you can fly to, and there is really nothing to him as he is one of the original Wrath of the Lich King rares. Sadly, he is also the criteria of an achevement, so depending on your server population, you may have some competition. Just Freeze Trap and tame. Poof. Your very own snow leopard.

Level: 77
Location: Zul'drak, Northrend

Gondria is the purple see-through spirit cat, and also one of the first few spirit beasts from Wrath. She has five spawn points in a circle in Zul'drak, so she is one of the first you can get. Probably one of the easiest, as her spawn points are fairly close together. Another easy one, just freeze trap and tame.

Ankha and Magria
Level: 85
Requirements: Unlock the Regrowth and Molten Front dailies
Location: Mount Hyjal, Kalimdor

Ankha and Magria are rare greenish white and neon blue spirit cats that share Gondria's model. They were added in Cataclysm and share the same spawn path in Mount Hyjal. You can only see them if you have completed all of the quests leading up to getting the Molten Front daily quests. If you still see a flaming forest, then you must do the quests the lead up to the Regrowth. Only one of them will be up at a time, so expect to see more of one than the other depending on your server. They do not drop anything worth it, so people who kill them are either assholes or it was an accident from a trinket. These two were challenge tames back in the day, and probably still can kill a 110 in one shot. The thing you need to do for these two is get naked. Yes. Take off all your armor and tame. Boom. New spirit beasts.


Level: 80
Location: Storm Peaks, Northrend

Skoll is a rare lightning warg that spawns in three places in the Storm Peaks. Perhaps one of the most sought after spirit beasts in the game, especially since his brother/sister is now part of Beast Mastery's artifact weapon, you may or may not have competition. He is one of my favorites, I love this boy. He has a normal wolf look-alike for any Marksmanship/Survival hunters intrested in his skin, named Thundermaw, a level 90 spawn all over the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria. He is, however, a lighter blue, and a little smaller. Another easy tame. Just freeze trap and tame.

Level: 85
Location: Twilight Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms

Karoma is a blue spirit wolf that spawns in six places in Twilight Highlands. He is the only spirit beast that is hostile, so if he hits you and you are not a hunter, please do not kill him. Run away and put up a group on the custom group finder for a hunter to find. They will love you forever. Don't really remember what is special for his tame- I think he jumps over you and is immune to your traps.

Level: 90
Location: Shadowmoon Valley, Draenor

Gara actually starts out as a different NPC. She starts a quest that eventually ends in you taming her. Perhaps the easiest spirit beast to tame. More info HERE.

I'm not covering the porcupines. But they're all in Pandaria and are challenge tames. I tamed one of them at 100, so they were no longer much of a challenge.


Level: 85
Location: Vajsh'ir

Ghostcrawler has one path in Vjash'ir, so he's pretty easy nowadays if you're level 110. He does hit you with Nerfbat, which is nasty if you're 85.

Level: 85
Requirements: Unlock the Regrowth and Molten Front dailies
Location: Mount Hyjal

Oh god, this one. Ban'thalos consists of you finding a tree, lining up to it so you don't fall to your death, then, flying straight up, hitting him with a macro, and freeze trapping him to the tree before you tame. He spawns right above the Sactuary of Malorne, so he is probably one of the hardest to get. Yes. Having one spawn point makes you hard to get. I've found he is usually up around the same time as Ankha, but I could have been lucky. I would reccomend taming this guy at 85, as you can one shot him at any higher level. The Macro is as follows:
/cast Concussive Shot
Try it on some other mobs first before using it.
You can only see him if you have completed all of the quests leading up to getting the Molten Front daily quests. If you still see a flaming forest, then you must do the quests the lead up to the Regrowth.

Level: 74
Location: Grizzly Hills

Arcturis is the spirit bear, and has one spawn point right in Grizzly Hills. The hardest to get, as his spawn point is in the middle of a questing area, and you may not be the only hunter camping him, since he is the only spirit bear in the game. Pretty easy, and could be your first spirit beast since he's pretty low level. Freeze trap and tame.

Level: 100-110 [scales to your level]
Location: Stormheim

Bulvinkel is quite easy, but hard to wait for. He has one spawn point in Stormheim, and since everyone has him, you probably won't have any competition waiting on him. Freeze trap and tame, unless he's immune to it. I don't know. I tamed him before we got traps back.

Lightning Paw
Level: Scales to your level, so I assume 10-110
Location: Duskwood

I don't have Lightning Paw yet, and am currently still waiting for him. Duskwood is currently full of hunters hunting him, so I'm going to wait. He can very well be your first spirit beast. If you can find him. He spawns in any of the bushes with blinking eyes and is invised, so it will be a good idea to have your sound up and listen for the invis noise. Also use a macro as you go through the bushes to target him. If I get him, I will edit the post. Feel free to read the WowHead comments on him, they're very helpful. [Yes, I will also add my own picture when I get him.]
EDIT 1/13/2017: I found him in a bush at Adle's Stead in Duskwood at 5:04 (7:04 server time). I have included a collection of screenshots which includes the coords for where I found her. I had NPCScan on and was spamming a /target Lightning Paw macro as I flew over the bushes. NPCScan went off and put a skull over his head. I freeze trapped and tamed. Perfect first time spirit beast, he's gorgeous. Might name him Elusive because of how elusive he's been. Now to get him for my sister. Don't know his spawn timer yet. My realm group consists of Sentinels, Steamwhedle Cartel, Kirin Tor, Argent Dawn, and Earthen Ring, so yeah. I'm the hunter who got him.
EDIT 1/26/2017: Added a screenshot of my Alli hunter taming him, as I was so excited on Horde I forgot to screenshot. Third time I found him. Twice in Addle's stead, once on the little hill near the graveyard in Raven Hill.
EDIT 2/4/2017: Old picture, I forgot to add it. But, confirmed (again)! He scales to lower levels! Found him at the cemetary this time, after watching a 29th level Horde Pandaren find him by the outhouse

Anyway, thats it for the spirit beasts! The procupines will be better for you to look up, as I do not know the strategies to get them. Happy Hunting guys!