Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mount of the Day: Warsong Direfang

Just got this mount today and had no idea it existed until I got it, so I figured I would do a post on this pretty wolf before I take my dog for a walk.

The Warsong Direfang is not actually a drop from these four rares listed on the screenshot above. They drop a Rattling Iron Cage, which can contain the wolf, the Tundra Icehoof, or the Armored Razorback. The cage itself has a very low chance of dropping from these rares, so when you're doing your dailies in Tanaan or farming this guy at 110, do not expect the cage to drop.

Also, according to WoWhead comments, the cage can contain the same mount more than once.

Now, here are some screenshots.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mount of the Night: Reins of the Raven Lord

I am gonna try to do a thing where I find a mount I have that is rare to come by/is a rep mount, and do a thing on it. So, here we go. Why not start with my second favorite mount in the entire game (Hint: My first is the Netherwing Dragon).

Ah, yes. If you knew me back in 2012, you remember how I was farming this damned thing every single day. Went in with my sister, and it dropped on our first try. So I thought "Gee, I can get it next run!"


I ended up farming the dungeon every day for months. I didn't get him until the pre-patch for Mists of Pandaria (thank god. I had a cool mount just before Panda land was out).

DO NOT EXPECT THIS MOUNT TO DROP. If you expect Anzu to drop it (he is only in Sethekk Halls Heroic, so if you want to farm him, make sure you set it to heroic. And you can only do it once per day.) you will be very upset. He will most likely not drop the Reins of the Raven Lord on your first kill.

According to WoWhead, he has a 1.6% chance of dropping, but honestly, I think thats a little wrong. I think it's lower.

The best class to farm this guy on in my opinion is a rogue or a Feral druid, as you can sneak passed the entire dungeon, kill him and the last boss, and sneak out. But since mounts are account wide ever since Mists of Pandaria, I'd do it on every character at level 80+.

Anyways, here are some pics of my hunter riding him in her Garrison.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Ey! One last post for today! I helped my sister tame one of the challenge beasts from Pandaria! I asked her if she wanted one, and if so, what color. She said blue, and I came through to help.

Gumi was one of three Challenge Spirit Beasts added in Mists of Pandaria. Unlike all the ones before, Gumi is a normal elite that will always spawn, so if you accidently kill her (or the other two, Hutia and Degu) you just need to wait a few minutes for them to repop, instead of hours and hours like Ankha or Magria or Skoll or Loque'nahak.

She used to be hard, but I suppose at level 100, she is no longer able to hit me. My sister is not very good at kiting, so I did the kiting and got her down to 30% health, then proceeded to Feign Death.

However, what I forgot to do was take off one of my trinkets that spawns a little dragon whenever I attack.

Sister casts Tame Beast.

It fails.

Dragon despawns.

She tries again.

Oops. She forgot to tae off her trinket that spawns a wolf.

Gumi is almost dead now.

Wolf despawns.

She tries again.

Good news. She got her. Wohoo! That's her second Spirit Beast. (her first one was Gara).

Anyways, this one turned into more of a story but, eh. Bascally, at level 100, just hit her until her buff Strong Will goes away. Then you can tame her. Make sure you have a free pet slot and have dismissed your pet though!

Rare Pets Galore- also found Magria- Twice!

Well, I tamed Magria the day after getting Ankha on my orc. So, I figured, why not try for Magria on my Night Elf? In the process, I found Ankha again and proceeded to accidently kill her, helped my dad get Ban'thalos, got a fire turtle, got two spiders and a crab I didn't want, got a cat from Firelands I wanted, found Ankha about four more times, helped a new friend get Ban'thalos, and, finally, today, found Magria at 3:00 PM server time (1:00 PM Pacific time).

SO- here are pics and how I tamed each one of these guys.

Let's start with Magria. Like Ankha, she is pretty much get-naked-and-tame. I found her at 11:00 PM server time on Kel, and 3:00 PM server time on Van. DAYS apart.

Before I proceeded to find Magria on my Alliance hunter, I found two spiders, a crab, a cat, and a turtle, like I said. Also helped sister get the turtle today.

To get the cat and the crab, you need to have access to the Molton Front dailies. Otherwise, the portal there won't work. Just like you need to finish the quests that open the first set of Hyjal dailies to see Ankha, Magria, and Ban'thalos, you need access to the Molton front to get to Skarr, Karkin, and four flame spiders. All of them are tamable hunter pets and only drop a Crystalline Tear of Loyalty, so if you see them and you are not a hunter, LEAVE THEM ALONE. The 25 gold is not worth it.

Karkin (a crab with a gem-like skin) and Skarr (a cat with an obsidian-like skin), like Ankha and Magria, share spawn points. They spawn on rocks in the Firelands that will sometimes crumble underneath you. There are two spots they are in. The good spot, which is easy to use and does not require any jumping, just running through a wall of fire, and the bad spot. Which requires you to jump up a bunch of rocks without falling to your imminant death. I have no idea how I got to Skarr without falling to my death, considering on every practice run I did, I'd fall. Skarr was in the bad spot, Karkin was in the good spot.

You should also note, that for Karkin and Skarr, Karkin seems to spawn more. For Ankha and Magria, Ankha spawns more than her sister and also seems to spawn at the same time as Ban'thalos.

Here are Karkin and Skarr.

Next, let's look at Deth'tilac (purple flame spider) and Kirix (green flame spider).

I think I got lucky on Kirix. I used a macro that was he following:

EDIT: 8/1/16: Deterrence was removed and replaced with Aspect of the Turtle, that may work the same.

/cast Aspect of the Turtle
/cast tame beast

He almost killed me the first time, but I got him.

Deth'tilac requirres you to kite him around Firelands until he is down to 20% health. At level 100, you can do this without a pet, and yes, he has enough hitpoints so a level 100 can't one-shot him like you can the rest of these guys. If Deth'tilac gets too close to you, he WILL ONE-SHOT YOU. (Yeah, instead of having to worry about one shotting him, you need to worry about him one shotting you, lol). Once he is down to 20% health, you can tame him. It might be a good idea to have Glyph of Tame Beast, as it makes Tame Beast faster. (This may become null in Legion though). EDIT 8/1/16: Glyphs were removed in the Legion pre-patch and are now cosmetic changes. 

Here are Kirix and Deth'tilac.

Now the fire turtle. Unlike the rest of these guys, Terrorpene is level 81. The rest of these guys are 85. He's also relatively easy at level 100 and is not a challenge at all. Like Deth'tilac, Kirix, Karkin, and Skarr, he is a normal best. So anyone can tame him. This is basically just find a rock in the lava to stand on thats close enough to him, and hit tame beast. This might be harder at lower levels.

Here he is, on both my Horde and Alliance characters.

I have had Ban'thalos on my characters for a while now, but I have since helped two people get this beautiful spirit beast owl. He flies REALLY HIGH up above the Sanctuary of Malorne. A good strategy a lot of people use is getting up on top of a tree close to the sanctuary, throwing down an ice trap, going all the way up, dismount, hit him with Concussive Shot, drop down to the tree, and then tame.

However, at level 100, you will one-shot Banthalos if you do not use a certain macro. The macro is as seen below.

EDIT 8/1/16: The macro below used to be Distracting Shot, but that was removed in the Legion pre-patch. You now need to use Concussive Shot.

EDIT 2: Traps are only for survival hunters now.

/cast Concussive Shot

Once you have that macro at level 100, you can pretty much do the same strategy as before, without one shotting him. Here are a couple screenshots of him. Yes. I named mine Hedwig after Harry's owl (RIP *cries*)

Basically, this post just chronicled my entire week after getting Magria on Horde and thinking "Oh, I just need to wait for Ankha to despawn and maybe Magria will appear."
Heh. No. You are very lucky if you get one right after the other. Be prepared to wait days for the other cat, and seeing a lot of Ankha.

If you guys want, you can look up videos for each of these tames, and even guides. There are a ton out there, way too many for me to link, but not many will tell you how to tame Ban'thalos at level 100.

Anyways, thats it for this giant post. Heh. Maybe my next post will be Voidtalon of the Dark Star (which I've aso been farming.). Or some mount from a raid/heroic dungeon. Maybe.

Friday, June 3, 2016

I grabbed Ankha

Still no Legion Beta key, so I decided to go out and farm mounts and pets.
None of the mounts I wanted dropped (Waiting for thre of my characters to get out of the Malygos lock. I want that Azure Drake, and I am not spending 25k gold on it in the Black Market Auction House. Don't feel like being poor again.). Also, no mount from Karazhan. And no portal for the Voidtalon of the Dark Star. *cries*

So, I decided to go see if I could get another Spirit Beast.

I was orginally out for Magria, but he wasn't the spawn that showed up. His lighter blue colored cousin Ankha showed up, so I figured, eh, why not grab him on Horde too? Anyways, he popped around 9:00? I hearthed back home from Northrend after waiting a little while for Arcturis (also a no-show).

He spawns in Mount Hyjal and is a rare Spirit Beast, so yes, you need to be Beast Mastery to tame him. He's level 85, but both he and Magria (and Ban'thalos, a rare Spirit Beast owl) are gated until you do the quest in Hyjal that gives you The Regrowth. (Basically, do all the quests in Hyjal.)
EDIT: Seems you also need to unlock the Firlands dailies too, so make sure to do those lead-in quests as well.

There is, however, a catch to taming him.

Get naked.

No. I am serious. You need to take off all of your armor. He has a buff on him that will one shot you if you have any armor on. (I don't know if he can do this to a level 100. Wasn't gonna attempt that.)

I have NPC_Scan and NPC_Scan Overlay, so it's a good idea to get those. The screenshot below is me, zoomed in on the map where his path is (both he and Magria pace.).

I- er- kinda chronicled my whole "Get-naked-and-tame" to prove a point.

Boom! Now you have a pretty spirit kitty! I should also point out he is immune to Freeze Trap. (I should also point out that trps will be Survival only come Legion, so, why bother trying to use traps on tames now?)

Anyway, friends, here he is.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thundermaw/Skoll differences

I posted this on Quotev, but lets make this my first real post.

As a lot of players know, Blizzard put in a bunch of wolves with the same model as the Spirit Beast, Skoll, a rare beast that spawns in three different  places in the Storm Peaks.

Because he is a Spirit Beast, only Beast Mastery hunters can tame him and some (like me) will spend days if not weeks camping his spawn points to tame him. If you're Marksman or Survival, forget it. Exotics are, as of now, still only for Beast Mastery.

However, Thundermaws are regular wolves. They can be tamed by anyone. The only difference between them and Skoll is the coloring, size after tameing, and pet family. They are easier to find and tame (just don't get an entire pack on you. If you aren't level 100, they'll probably kill you, so find a single target.) and they look cool, so a Survival/Marksman hunter can walk around with a pet that looks just as cool as Skoll.

I have a couple of screnshots that show the color/size difference between a Thundermaw and Skoll (I am sure this was posted about before and I am just late to the party, but this is a guide for my friends who may want to play WoW one day).

Skoll (level 80 rare Spirit Beast found in three locations in The Storm Peaks, Northrend)

Thundermaw (level 90 regular wolf mob that spawns in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria)

Links above to each NPC lead you to WOWHead. I will use WOWHead a lot, as, it is a very helpful site for WoW players. I also has a map that shows the location of each of these NPCs.

Opening August 30, 2016

Hello, Celestah Rose here!
Thats right. I made a blog for my adventures on World of Warcraft. This includes hunter pets, mounts, companion pets, artifact weapon quests, class changes if I feel like covering that, pretty screenshots, and a bunch of other fun stuff I do with my guild of three people.
I will not be fully opening this blog until World of Warcraft: Legion is relesed and I start playing. Te first post will probably be the artifact weapon quests. (I promise I will take as many screenshots as I can!)

I play a Feral Druid (Alliance) named Saferia and two Beast Mastery hunters, Vanessarose (Alliance) and Kelarya (Horde). I consider myself bi-factional (heh) but I am definitely a Horde girl even though my main is Alliance.

You may also see my Frost Death Knight, Lucianadlere (Also Alliance) here as well if I get her up to 100 between now and August.

If I get the Legion beta key today, you may see artifact weapon quests and class changes sooner rather than later.

Anyways, I hope I am not too annoying.

Also, any existing Spirit Beasts I have, I will direct you to existing guides on how to find/get said spirit beasts if I decide to post on them/you gguys wanna know how to get them.
