Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Ey! One last post for today! I helped my sister tame one of the challenge beasts from Pandaria! I asked her if she wanted one, and if so, what color. She said blue, and I came through to help.

Gumi was one of three Challenge Spirit Beasts added in Mists of Pandaria. Unlike all the ones before, Gumi is a normal elite that will always spawn, so if you accidently kill her (or the other two, Hutia and Degu) you just need to wait a few minutes for them to repop, instead of hours and hours like Ankha or Magria or Skoll or Loque'nahak.

She used to be hard, but I suppose at level 100, she is no longer able to hit me. My sister is not very good at kiting, so I did the kiting and got her down to 30% health, then proceeded to Feign Death.

However, what I forgot to do was take off one of my trinkets that spawns a little dragon whenever I attack.

Sister casts Tame Beast.

It fails.

Dragon despawns.

She tries again.

Oops. She forgot to tae off her trinket that spawns a wolf.

Gumi is almost dead now.

Wolf despawns.

She tries again.

Good news. She got her. Wohoo! That's her second Spirit Beast. (her first one was Gara).

Anyways, this one turned into more of a story but, eh. Bascally, at level 100, just hit her until her buff Strong Will goes away. Then you can tame her. Make sure you have a free pet slot and have dismissed your pet though!

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