Friday, June 3, 2016

I grabbed Ankha

Still no Legion Beta key, so I decided to go out and farm mounts and pets.
None of the mounts I wanted dropped (Waiting for thre of my characters to get out of the Malygos lock. I want that Azure Drake, and I am not spending 25k gold on it in the Black Market Auction House. Don't feel like being poor again.). Also, no mount from Karazhan. And no portal for the Voidtalon of the Dark Star. *cries*

So, I decided to go see if I could get another Spirit Beast.

I was orginally out for Magria, but he wasn't the spawn that showed up. His lighter blue colored cousin Ankha showed up, so I figured, eh, why not grab him on Horde too? Anyways, he popped around 9:00? I hearthed back home from Northrend after waiting a little while for Arcturis (also a no-show).

He spawns in Mount Hyjal and is a rare Spirit Beast, so yes, you need to be Beast Mastery to tame him. He's level 85, but both he and Magria (and Ban'thalos, a rare Spirit Beast owl) are gated until you do the quest in Hyjal that gives you The Regrowth. (Basically, do all the quests in Hyjal.)
EDIT: Seems you also need to unlock the Firlands dailies too, so make sure to do those lead-in quests as well.

There is, however, a catch to taming him.

Get naked.

No. I am serious. You need to take off all of your armor. He has a buff on him that will one shot you if you have any armor on. (I don't know if he can do this to a level 100. Wasn't gonna attempt that.)

I have NPC_Scan and NPC_Scan Overlay, so it's a good idea to get those. The screenshot below is me, zoomed in on the map where his path is (both he and Magria pace.).

I- er- kinda chronicled my whole "Get-naked-and-tame" to prove a point.

Boom! Now you have a pretty spirit kitty! I should also point out he is immune to Freeze Trap. (I should also point out that trps will be Survival only come Legion, so, why bother trying to use traps on tames now?)

Anyway, friends, here he is.

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